Saturday, February 28, 2009

Will the Bionic Woman be there?

Check out the website for the Human Enhancement & Nanotechnology Conference, coming up March 27-29. I won't be able to go myself, but it sounds excellent. From their website:

As an example of an ethical issue, bionic limbs (e.g., for greater
strength or vision) and neural chips implanted into one's head (e.g., for
on-demand access to the Internet and software applications) may give the
individual significant advantages in many areas, from sports to jobs to academia.
But these technologies may hold health risks-similar to steroid or Ritalin usefor
enhancement purposes, as distinct from therapy-as well as raise ethical concerns
related to fairness, access, and general societal disruption.Therefore, it is no
surprise that, on both sides of the debate, the ethics of human enhancement is
believed to be the single most important issue inscience & society in this

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